As a young boy there was man who helped out at a church on a bus route. Every sunday they would drive buses around picking mostly kids up and taking them to church.
Later on this man would have a large impact in my life, and it would eventually help steer me in my walk with Christ. I always had a special place in my heart for him and wanted to go visit his home country. This year I finally made it! I would never have thought that it would have been on a mission trip. After seeing what 1 man can do in the life of a child, I can only imagine now what a man can do in the life of 300! Before was an opportunity for this man from Honduras to reach out to someone in a foreign country, the U.S. Now it's my turn, a man from The United States to reach out to others in a foreign country...Honduras!
I would encourage everyone to follow God's word and GO into the world. It was a command to everyone, not just Missionaries! It is an experience that will change your life!
You can still be a part of the Honduras mission, this is an ongoing trip. The construction will continue until 300 children call Living water children's ranch home. Be a part of it! Funds are needed for construction, and the 2009 trip is being planned! There are a lot of people who want to go this year who could use financial assistance. If You feel led to be a part of building the Kingdom of God, and reaching out to these children who need a home contact me and I will help you find out how you can be a part of this wonderful opportunity
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