Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not turn from it.I recently began making some connections with old friends from High School. Aside from feeling really old when I start thinking about when I was in high school (class of 86) I have become so encouraged by some of them! You see we grew up in a Christian School (TCCA Twin City Christian Acadamy). While I was there (8th grade through 11th) we had a Principle who was such an awesome man of God to this day I still think about him. I even had the opportunity to visit him just a few months ago, that was so nice.
However not all the stories are stories of perfect lives. I myself fell away from God for a long time. My life was a rollercoaster for several years. I know some of the others I went to school with had similar experiences. Many, most of those have found there way home to a life with Christ. There is one who has been a part of church planting. He has helped with building 3 churches. Another has Gone to Africa to serve, and is very active in his Church along with his whole family. Another is active in his churches Music, and deaf ministries, along with his family, another works in full time ministry with her Husband, How about staying home and home schooling your 6 children and teaching them about God, that is a full time ministry in my book, or what about Teachers at a Christian schools (several elementary, and college level), Or a couple/Family who opens their home as foster parents and teaches these children the Love of God, two more met in high school, married and eventually became Missionaries to the Philippines. They run an Orphanage, and there are many more. The interesting thing is the school was very small. Each class/grade had less then 30 students. It is so amazing to me that so many people are still sold out to a life of full devotion to Jesus Christ...Why? Because they were trained in the way they should go. Most of us had bumps along the way. I personally went through many tough times, but even when I felt alone and lost I always knew in the back of my head that I wasn't alone. I knew God was with me, waiting for me to cry out to Him.
I hope and pray that there are more people out there who will continue to see the value in training a child. There are so many children around the world who need Love, who need a Home, who need to hear about our Loving father. I wish we could reach all of them, but all we can do is reach out to as many as we can.
Just think about what one little school in some little podunk town in the Midwest has done. Those listed above are changing the world. They are spread out over the Country and in other countries. All those listed graduated within 4 years of each other. This same school/Church has been building families and children for years. So what might seem like an impossible task really isn't. Changing the life of just ONE child is a success. Here you have ONE of those kids that was trained the way they should go now working toward building a home for 300. Think about how this keeps multiplying and all of a sudden you see how wonderful and amazing working for the Kingdom of God really is.
Please pray for this mission! For the children who need a home. For those trying to build a future. For Gods blessings