The question is, Do they really live like that? It was amazing to see what conditions the Honduran people live in. It was obvious from the moment we began our van ride to La Ceiba that things were different...very different! You would see these little shacks, every where. Along the rode side, even in the "cities". You would have a nice looking home and it would would be completely surrounded by these little shacks (actually there where way more shack than nice homes). We had a chance to really get to know one Family. Roland Bessy and Liliana.

Roland is second from the left.

Bessy in the center.

And Liliana. She was such a cute little girl, but sadly I never seen her smile, not even one time during our stay.
This is their house

This place was about 12X12 but then you have to look inside

Then you see more then half of their "house" is being used as construction storage. So they are actually living in a space about 6'X12"
Look closer and you will see where Liliana sleeps

Lets not forget the "kitchen"

Or what about the laundry room? Ok this is not Roland or his family, but this is site you see nearly everytime you pass a river

No that's not just old clothes laying next to the river

She was maybe 8

Look at the shape of the stone she is using to wash her clothes. Notice the angle of it, I wonder how many times and for how many years that stone has been used as a wash board that made it into that 45deg angle?
Which reminds me I need to go start a load of laundry and thank God for the blessings of what he has given me!